So TL DR, don't buy this product unless you've tried it before and unless you know 100% that you're going to like it, because if you don't do so and you buy it blindly like I did you're not going to get a refund, even if you write to them 5 minutes after the purchase. It's behaviors like these that promote software piracy, there has to be some lenience where appropriate. however I would expect a professional company to go beyond what their terms say and evaluate every situation case by case, and since I sent the first contact form literally 20 minutes after the purchase, there is NO WAY I could've used enough of the product to gain advantage of a possible refund (and besides, I could've just pirated it if I really wanted to take advantage of the software, which I'm not a fan of), therefore it would be perfectly fair to accept such a refund request to my eyes, and adding this to the fact that the nature of the software makes it totally impossible to determine its quality before buying it (because videos on YouTube record the 2D video on the screen and not what the user sees) makes me think that the company is purposefully hiding behind a legal wall to keep money from users that are not happy with the product. I have to specify a few things: the software is sold with a "as is" formula, and the terms precisely say "with no promises on descriptions being matched" or something along those lines, so LEGALLY I have no right to a refund and I know that. I waited a lot before posting this review because I thought they could be having issues with timings due to Covid, but it doesn't seem to be the case now. As my last attempt I tried to send an email to the support address on March 16th, and as of today (April 5th) still no reply. Didn't receive a reply for a few days, tried again with the same module, waited a few days, still no reply.

Then I tried it for less than 20 minutes, and realized it wasn't what I expected and was really disappointed in the product, so I instantly went to the contact module on their site to ask if it was possible to receive a refund. I bought vorpX on March 6th 2021, requested the product registration code, and installed it with no issues at all. Zero communication, unfairly strict refund policies.